Hi, welcome to my teaching portfolio page! I am a seasoned educator with extensive experience in teaching and learning. My passion for teaching stems from my deep desire for learning. In fact, my desire to learn began at a very young age. When I was three, I would often cry at home because I wanted to be at school learning like my older siblings. Long story short, I was enrolled in first grade at the age of three, and since then, my passion for learning has only grown and translated into a passion for teaching and training others. I believe everyone should have access to quality education!
Courses Taught at the University of Denver
Fall 2017 - Winter 2024
Data Science and Programming Courses
INFO-4120: Python Programming
COMP-3006: Python Software Development
COMP-4447: Data Science Tools 1
COMP-4448: Data Science Tools 2
COMP-4441: Probability and Statistics 1 for Data Science
COMP-4334: Parallel & Distributed Computing for Data Science
COMP-4449: Data Science Capstone
Statistics and Research Graduate Courses
INTS-4057: Statistics for Int’l Affairs
SOWK-4201: Evidence for Practice
SOWK-4900: Methods for Eval Practice/Prog
RMS-4900: Education Research & Measurement
SOWK-4901: Applied Practice Eval Research
Undergraduate Courses
- INFO-2020: Analytics III: Bus Modeling
What did Students Say About my Teaching?
Other Institutions
Fall 2016 - Spring 2019
Courses Taught at Other U.S. Institutions
Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Business